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Chamberlain House, Cable Street, London, United Kingdom, E1 0AL

Offering deep tissue, full body, and mixed type massage, Max is a kind and highly qualified male therapist in London with 15 years of experience. Out-call and in-call services offered.

Max has travelled all over the world, having the chance to see and improve a lot of different practices, developing his own system, and embracing the opportunity to be unique. He will offer different methods to get the best formula for relaxation and to rid you of the pain in one massage, including deep tissue, acupressure, lymphatic drainage and treatment of all the body.

With many regular costumers, who are convinced that his kind of massage is the best, Max will guarantee 100% professional service and satisfaction.

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Based on 40 votes



Best service

The guy is just pure gold. Strong, good looking and very friendly. Totally worth it and knows exactly what he is doing. The best massage i had so far! Dan



Max is wonderful guy and total professional! My best choice for London! Tried short notice and his reaction was so fast, just came and made me feel amazing! Magic hands! Thumbs up!

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